Monday, October 08, 2007

Chocomacananner Sprouted Cereal Shake

Great breakfast shake... or when you're craving something sweet. No greens in this one. Has fresh bananas for sweetness. And is done so quickly because there's nothing to extract or wash from the fridge!

Fill blender no more than 1/2 full with quality water, then add:

heaping tablespoon raw cocoa powder
1/2 tablespoon maca powder
2 bananas
3 heaping soup-spoons of Lydia's Organics Sprouted Cinnamon Cereal
dash himmy salt (Himalayan Crystal Salt)
dash almond extract
dash vanilla extract
3 C. ice

Blend & drink. Makes about 4 glasses. Drink them all yourself or share. :D

Note: I use Navitas brand raw cocoa & maca powders.

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