Tuesday, May 24, 2005


This is the first recipe I worked out when I went raw. I actually haven't had oatmeal in weeks, but it is so delicious and I highly recommend it for the transitioning period, and for when you need something extra "rib-sticking". It really is way better than the cooked version, in my book. And I've always been a fan of well-prepared Irish porridge...

The night before:

Soak 1/2 C. steel-cut oats in 1 C. spring water.

Soak 1 C. nuts in water to generously cover (almonds, pecans, macademias, or mixed).

In the morning:

Rinse oats and put in breakfast bowl.

Rinse nuts well and put in blender.

Add 2-4 C. spring water to blender (the less you add, the creamier the mild will be), plus a dash of Himalayan crystal salt, a dash of Tahitian vanilla extract, and some sweetener of your choice to taste (raw agave syrup, honey, or soaked dates).

Blend nut milk & strain through nut milk bag (clean nylon stocking will do, I hear).

Pour milk over oats. Sprinkle with dash Himalayan salt & a little agave syrup.

Add combo of chopped nuts, dried or fresh fruit.

My favorites toppings: Pistachios, dried cherries, & sliced banana.

Note: You'll have leftover soaked nut pulp from making the milk. Keep it in the fridge and use it later to blend into a molded nut pate (almond butter is good binder), some halvah (add almond butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and pine nuts), or cookies for the dehydrator (I made some nice carrot-raisin cookies that tastes like carrot cake!).

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